Guest Post: Birgitta Höglund of "LCHF Made in Sweden"!

Hi friends!

Today I have the pleasure to share a guest post by Birgitta Höglund with you, so I’ll keep it short before handing the word over to Birgitta.
Birgitta to me is very warm, kind and humble person, a skilled chef, and somewhat of an icon within the Swedish LCHF (“Low Carb High Fat”) and Paleo movements. (I know she doesn’t quite agree with me when I say that, but I really think she deserve that title for all the great work she has done over the years spreading inspiration for health through real food. And hey, this is my blog and I say whatever I want, right?) ;)
Anyhow, Birgitta have just got three of her cookbooks translated and they are ready to be released on the US market this summer, so be sure to check them out!
So without further ado I let Birgitta present herself, her books, and share some recipes with you: Continue reading

Sweet BBQ Pulled Pork


Sweet BBQ Pulled Pork


If you too live in a part of the world where the grilling season is not quite there yet, I thought I should give you a recipe so that you still can make good use of that Paleo BBQ Sauce I posted last week. Continue reading

Sweet Paleo BBQ Sauce


Sweet Paleo BBQ Sauce


With summer just around the corner, a recipe for a good Paleo BBQ sauce is absolutely crucial to have! Continue reading

Apple Crumb Pie




Last week I posted a recipe for Paleo vanilla sauce, and promised to follow up with a recipe of something you can serve it to.
Therefore, here’s my Paleo friendly version of a classic Swedish apple crumb pie! Continue reading